special effects, sfx makeup, custom props, costume fabrication


Models & Miniatures

We are trying to do our part to keep a dying craft alive.

There are not too many shops that create miniatures anymore, but we are doing our part to help keep a dying craft alive. And thank goodness, because practical in camera models are becoming popular again as the digital revolution is becoming more everyday. We build miniature set pieces, model buildings and signs, forced perspective models. Tolin FX even builds model aircraft for Lockheed Martin and the Skunkworks program.

We utilize traditional model making techniques along with 3d printing, CNC machining, and laser cutting to fabricate our models. We can also look to molding and casting methods used in our fx makeup work to enhance them in nontypical and interestng ways. We also take the same approach to finishing, using automotive and traditional set painting techniques along with vinyl cutters and laser engraving to make our models as life like as possible.
