In 2017 Tolin FX joined the production of Haunt, a horror film written by Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. Beck and Woods are the duo who wrote and produced the 2018 hit A Quiet Place and produced by horror master Eli Roth. The Tolin FX crew traveled to Cincinnati, OH to join the production, which also filmed in parts of Kentucky. (Fun fact: if you are ever lost in Cincinnati it is super easy to end up in Kentucky, just sayin.)
Haunt is the story of a haunted house gone horribly wrong – or horribly right depending on what kind of a human being you are, no judgement. Tolin FX executed a number of make-up effects as well as blood effects, using our Squib FX rig systems for pneumatic blood spray. We can’t reveal too much about our work on the show until its release date on September 13!
One of our favorite memories of the shoot was having the opportunity to work with Chris Bridges and Hugo Villasenor, the prosthetic make-up team from LA, and pyro expert Schuyler White from Ohio Burn Unit. We all worked together incredibly well, and we’re so glad we got to know them. We hope to team up again in the future.
On a sadder note, Steve Tolin’s mother Sandra was fighting cancer during the shoot, and production could not have been kinder or more understanding. Steve was able to be with his mother and support her, while delegating work to the rest of the crew. Thank you, sincerely, to everyone who made Steve’s time with his mother possible when it meant so much. Sandee passed away on Thanksgiving 2017, and she is loved and missed.
There has to be some kind of a life/work balance or art is not worth making. Recently the tendency to work film crews to the point of collapse, or put them in dangerous circumstances for a shot, has come into focus. Hopefully the upshot of this awareness will be greater care taken of those who work so hard to make a movie come to life. We are better people, and therefore better artists, when we put others first and the bottom line second.
Anyway, some food for thought. Now back to hacking up teenagers! We are proud and excited to have been a part of Haunt and we can’t wait to see it! Check out the trailer, and catch it when it gets released in theatres and on demand on Sept. 13 (Friday the 13th!) (And a Full Moon!)